Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cinnamon Contest!

On Thursday, my friend and I had a cinnamon contest. for those of you who don't know what the cinnamon contest's a game where people try to see if they could keep cinnamon the longest in their mouth going against their friends etc. well..i was the first person to lose the game LMAO..because i think some cinnamon somehow got into my throat..and i had to cough..and i ran to the girl's bathroom and had to spit out the cinnamon! not too long after i ran into the bathroom my friend ran into the bathroom and we both had to spit out the cinnamon! this girl was looking at us like WTF? oh well...i bet she never played that game and if she ever played it she would understand. :o also my other friend was supposed to be part of the contest, but he wasnt listening when my friend said start and the whole time he was just holding the cinnamon in his hand! ;D Thenn today wich is Saturday or now it's, my sister, and her friend did the cinnamon contest and i could keep the cinnamon for a longer time in my mouth! ^.^

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